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32회 한마음골프 대회 잘 마쳐 · St. Andrew Kim Parish Golf Tournament Winners Triumph Despite Rainy Weather

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2024년 성 김대건 안드레아성당(한인천 주교회)에서 주최한 2024년 한마음골프 대회가 비가 오는 날씨에도 불구하고 참 가자들의 열기속에 잘 마쳤다.

지난 7월 14일 일요일, 아름다운 무스 런 골프장에서 열린 이 대회에 참가한 골퍼들은 그들의 실력과 스포츠맨십을 보이는 자리였다. 참가자들은 우중 속에 서도포기하지않고 골프의진수를보 여 주었다.

이번대회 우승자는 1등: 김기곤, 2등: 장민영, 3등: 정앤드류 이며 특별상은 장타상 (남): 라방옥 장타상 (여): 김신 디, 근접상 (남): 박종언 근접상 (여): 박 석란이 차지했다.

The St. Andrew Kim Parish Golf Tournament occurred on Sunday, July 14th, at the picturesque Moose Run Golf Course. Despite the persistent rain, the event saw a strong turnout, with competitors braving the weather to participate in the spirited competition.

The tournament united a diverse group of Korean golfers in Anchorage, showcasing their skills and sportsmanship. Participants teed off amidst the drizzle, demonstrating remarkable resilience and dedication.

The event culminated with a celebratory awards ceremony. The winners of the tournament were announced as follows:

1st place: Kim Ki-gon
2nd place: Jang Min-young
3rd place: Andrew Chung
Special awards were also given out for exceptional performances on the course:

Longest Drive (Men): La Bang-ok
Longest Drive(Women):Kim Cindy
Closest to the Pin (Men): Park Jong- eon
Closest to the Pin (Women): Park Seok-ra

The St. Andrew Kim Parish Golf Tournament highlighted the golfers’ talents and reinforced the strong sense of community organized by the parish. Despite the less-than-ideal weather, the event succeeded, leaving participants looking forward to next year’s competition.